Dr. Monika Pawłowska is a postdoc at the Faculty of Physics of Warsaw University. She acquired her PhD in optics in Freie Universitaet Berlin specializing in ultrashort pulse shaping. Afterwards she worked in the lab of prof. Brixner in Universitaet Wuerzburg. In 2014 she returned to Poland and worked in the Nencki Institute of the Polish Academy of Science where she built a light-sheet microscope and led an OPUS grant. Since 2019 she is a postdoc in the First TEAM project of Dr Łapkiewicz where she focuses on applying superresolution imaging methods to bioimaging.
University of Warsaw, Division of Optics
Pasteura 5, building A
Room: 3.47
2021 Journal of Physics: Photonics
2009 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 083101
Collinear interferometer with variable delay for carrier-envelope offset frequency measurement