Division of Optics,
Institute of Experimental Physics,
Faculty of Physics,
University of Warsaw

Optics at the University of Warsaw

Both optics and photonics are well-established yet dynamically developing areas of research and technology which have profoundly changed the world around us. Lasers, optical fibers for telecommunication applications, digital cameras in smartphones, LED lighting in our houses, computer screens and TV’s are just a few examples of how photonics has affected our everyday lives.

The Division of Optics at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw actively participates in the development of optics and photonics by educating future generations of scientists and facilitating a network of high-tech, state-of-the-art optical laboratories.

The Division of Optics in numbers


Year of establishment






Completed research projects

Research groups

KNOF UE - The Student Association of Optics and Photonics

The Student Association of Optics and Photonics UW was founded in 2011 and since then it has become the only student organisation in Poland which is affiliated by Optica (formerly The Optical Society), SPIE, European Physical Society and IEEE Photonics Society at the same time.

The Association’s main focus is to support people interested in Optics and Photonics at the University of Warsaw by building a local community of like-minded individuals who enjoy helping each other grow. What’s more, it is also a great platform to exchange scientific experience and ideas. These goals are achieved by a number of separate projects, many of which can be found at knof.uw.edu.pl.

KNOF website
KNOF UE - The Student Association of Optics and Photonics KNOF UE - The Student Association of Optics and Photonics
KNOF UE - The Student Association of Optics and Photonics KNOF UE - The Student Association of Optics and Photonics



Nanophotonics 13, 2659–2668

Electrical polarization switching of perovskite polariton laser

  • K. Łempicka-Mirek
  • M. Król
  • L. De Marco
  • A. Corialono
  • I. Viola
  • M. Kędziora
  • M. Muszyński
  • P. Morawiak
  • R. Mazur
  • P. Kula
  • W. Piecek
  • P. Fita
  • D. Sanvitto
  • J. Szczytko
  • B. Piętka


ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 16, 57659–57671

Rapid Photoinduced Self-Healing, Controllable Drug Release, Skin Adhesion Ability, and Mechanical Stability of Hydrogels Incorporating Linker-Modified Gold Nanoparticles and Nanogels

  • S. Khodami
  • M. Gharakhloo
  • S. Dagdelen
  • P. Fita
  • J. Romanski
  • M. Karbarz
  • Z. Stojek
  • M. Mackiewicz


Journal of Lightwave Technology

Precise on-chip spectral and temporal control of single-photon-level optical pulses


SPIE, Proc.vol 12488

Investigating the use of polarization maintaning FBG sensors for GW-based SHG


Metrology and Measurement Systems 1, 169-181, 2023

Reduction of optical noise in near-infrared range laser hydrometry


Infrared Physics & Technology 135

Broadly tunable femtosecond OPA pumped by 1030 nm YB: KGW laser with a range of non-linear crystals tested


J. Phys. Chem. A 127

Excited Electronic States of Sr2: Ab Initio Predictions and Experimental Observation of the21Σu+State

  • Szczepkowski/ J.
  • Gronowski / M.
  • Grochola/ A
  • Jastrzebski/ W.
  • Tomza/M.
  • P. Kowalczyk


Science Advences 9

Noise-resistant phase imaging with intensity correlation

Are you a research scientist
or a prospective student?
Join us!

Join the Division of Optics UW

Contact us!

In the "People" section you will can contact information to all the staff of the Department of Optics. We are open for cooperation on various projects and will be happy to help you with your research idea. If you are a student, we can help you with your bachelor's thesis, master's thesis or doctoral dissertation. We incorporate students in our research projects from the very first years of their studies, so they quickly acquire practical skills.

You can also come to the meetings of the Student Assocciation of Optics and Photonics at University of Warsaw (KNOF-UW), where you will be able to talk with students and PhD students of the Devision, who participate in these meetings. They will be happy to answer all your questions.

Check the list of job offers at the Faculty of Physics UW.

We regularly recruit new people to our team. We are looking for technical and administrative staff, post-docs, PhD students and students for positions in grants. We invite you to contact our secretariat and check the current job board on the Faculty of Physics website.

Start studying at the UW

Up-to-date information about undergraduate and graduate studies organised by the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw is available at fuw.edu.pl/informator.html. The majority of students in the Department of Optics pursue a programme in physics or nanostructures engineering, but we are also open to people from other fields of study.

Education at the doctoral level at the University of Warsaw is organised by the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences and the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School. Detailed information about the process and rules of recruitment as well as the curriculum are available on the schools' website - https://szkolydoktorskie.uw.edu.pl/en/.