Tadeusz Stacewicz, Prof.
Prof. Tadeusz Stacewicz is a professor at the Institute of Experimental Physics of the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw. He received his PhD degree in 1982 specializing in laser spectroscopy, while his Master's thesis (1976) was prepared by building a xenon laser. He received both degrees at the University of Warsaw under the supervision of dr Jerzy Krasiński. So far he has participated in 24 research grants, directing 10 of them. His current scientific interests include the use of laser spectroscopy to detect trace amounts of matter in gases. Potential applications include the detection of disease biomarkers in the air exhaled from the lungs and laser hygrometry. He is an author of over 110 scientific articles and 5 books. He has been a promoter in 8 PhD theses and supervisor of 27 master theses and 11 undergraduate theses. Tadeusz Stacewicz was the Secretary of the Warsaw Branch of the Polish Physical Society for over 20 years. In his free time he deals with tourism and sailing.
University of Warsaw, Division of Optics
Pasteura 5, building A
Room: 3.34
- Detection of volatile disease markers in the breath with optoelectronic methods
- Exploring performance of the Fast Infrared Hygrometer across the range of environmental conditions
- Optoelectronic detection of disease markers in air exhaled from human lungs
- Optoelectronic system of disease biomarker detection
2023 Metrology and Measurement Systems 1, 169-181, 2023
Reduction of optical noise in near-infrared range laser hydrometry
2023 Metrology and Measurement Systems
Reduction of optical noise in near-infrared range laser hygrometry
2022 Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15
2022 Metrol. Meas. Syst. 29
Detection of ethane, methane, formaldehyde and water vapor in 3.33 mm range
2021 Optics Communication vol. 480
Optical interferences suppression using wavelength modulation
2020 Applied Sciences 10(15), 5111
2020 Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 11
2019 Scientific Reports 9:1838
Low noise, open-source QEPAS system with instrumentation amplifier
2018 Opto-Electron. Rev. 26, 122–133
2018 Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2018), 297-302
Laser spectroscopy for trace matter detection in air, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Photonics
2018 Metrology & Measurement Systems 25, 793–805
Highly sensitive airborne open path optical hygrometer for upper air measurements – proof of concept
2018 Metrology & Measurement Systems Vol. 25 No. 4, pp. 793–805
Highly sensitive airborne open path optical hygrometer for upper air measurements – proof of concept
2016 Comp. Physics Communication 199, 53-60
Software for retrieval of aerosol particle size distribution from multiwavelenght lidar signals
2016 Opto-Electron. Rev., 24(2), 29-41
Detection of disease markers in human breath with laser absorption spectroscopy
2016 Metrology and Measurement Systems 23, 205-224
2016 Metrology and Measurement Systems 23, 481- 489
2016 Front. Comput. Neurosci.
Nonlinear Origin of SSVEP Spectra—A Combined Experimental and Modeling Study
2016 Elektronika 9, 51-54
Optoelektroniczny system sensorów biomarkerów zawartych w wydychanym powietrzu
2016 Elektronika 9, 58-61
Wybrane zastosowania spektroskopii absorpcyjnej
2016 Elektronika 9, 66-69
Sensory optoelektroniczne do detekcji markerów chorobowych z laserami przestrajalnymi w zakresie <2,5 µm
2016 Elektronika 9, 70-72
Multipleksacja i demultipleksacja sygnałów optycznych do celów spektroskopii
2015 Technical Sciences 63, 2, 515-525
Application of quantum cascade lasers to trace gas detection, Bulletin of Polish Academy of Sciences
2015 Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski XXXIX, 231, 51-58
Wykrywanie markerów chorobowych w oddechu metodami optoelektronicznymi
2015 Elektronika 8, 10-13
Optoelektroniczny system do wykrywania markerów chorobowych w wydychanym powietrzu
2015 Elektronika 8, 7-10
Wybrane aspekty wykrywania chorób w układach analizy wydychanego powietrza
2015 Wyd. WAT, Warszawa
Sensormed- geneza, wyniki badań, kierunek prac dalszych, str. 161-194, rozdział w monografii Wybrane zagadnienia diagnozowania i użytkowania urządzeń i systemów
2014 Atmospheric Research 142, 32-39
Lidar retrievals of cloud droplet number concentration at the cumulus base: A feasibility study
2014 Int. Journal of Thermophysics 35, 2215-2225
Cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy and photoacoustic spectroscopy for human breath analysis
2014 Amospheric Research 142, 32-29
Lidar retrievals of CCN activation at cumulus base - feasibility study
2014 Proc. SPIE 8703, 870309-870314
Ultrasensitive optoelectronics sensors for nitrogen oxides and explosive detection
2013 Elektronika 54, 7-10
Analiza możliwości wykrywania biomarkerów w wydychanym powietrzu
2013 Bioanalysis 3, 2287-2306
Detection of volatile compounds as biomarkers in breath analysis by different analytical techniques
2013 Acta Phys. Pol. A 12,592-594
Nitrogen oxides optoelectronic sensors operating in infrared range of wavelengths
2013 Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 10, 139-139
Projekt elektronicznego systemu do wykrywania biomarkerów w oddechu
2013 Opto-Electronics Review 21, 210-219
2013 Rozdział w monografii Problemy metrologii Elektronicznej i Fotonicznej PAN, J.Mroczek ed., str.1-71
Absorpcyjna spektroskopia laserowa
2013 PAK 59, 1-5
Optoelektroniczne sensory gazów
2013 WIT Transactions of The Built Environment 134
Concentration system for volatile compounds detection
2012 Opto-Electronics Review 20, 77-90
Cavity ring-down spectroscopy : detection of trace amounts of matter
2012 Proc. of SPIE 8374, 837414-837422
2012 Atmospheric Research 48, 66-75
Remote sensing measurements of the volcanic ash plume over Poland in April 2010
2012 Metrology and Measurement Systems XIX, 3-28
Sensors and systems for the detection of explosive devices - the overview
2012 Acta Geophysica 60, 1308-1337
2012 Opto-Electronics Review 20, 26-39
2011 Acta Physica Polonica 120, 794-800
Application of quantum cascade lasers in CEAS sensors of nitrogen oxides
2011 Proc. of SPIE 8182, 1-7
Multiwavelenght micropulse lidar in atmoshperic aerosol study - signal processing
2011 WIT Press 51, 461-472
N20 detection with the CEAS method, rozdział w Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements
2010 Optica Applicata 40, 641-64
Blue tunable laser diodes for trace matter detection
2010 Spectrochimica Acta B, 306310-306313
Cavity ring-down spectroscopy coupled with helium microwave induced plasma for fluorine determination
2010 Spectrochimica Acta B, 306-310
Cavity ring-down spectroscopy with diode laser for fluorine determination
2010 Optica Applicata 40, 623-632
Multiwavelength micropulse lidar for atmospheric aerosol investigation
2010 Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 11, 222-224
Projektor sensora materiałów wybuchowych
2010 Optica Applicata 40, 219-237
Saharan aerosol sensed over Warsaw by backscatter depolarization lidar
2010 European Journal of Physics 31, 1517-1526
Simple and safe short-range lidar system for undergraduate laboratory
2007 Eur. J. Phys. 28, 789
Cavity ring down spectroscopy experiment for an advanced undergraduate laboratory
2007 Eur. J. Phys. 28, 789-796
Cavity ring down spectroscopy experiment for advanced undergraduate laboratory