Paweł Szczypkowski, MSc
Pawel Szczypkowski is the person with unpronounceable surname. His Bsc thesis is also not easy to remember - "Nonlinear interactions between two non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensates of exciton polaritons". Fortunately the later biogram is more feasible to read. He is currently working with "temporal focusing" in Radosław Łapkiewicz's Lab. Before CoViD pandemic, he worked with petawat laser in Munich. During bachelor studies he was a captain of the polish team for the International Physicists' Tournament. Wherever he goes and whatever he does, he want to make it special and unusual. He loves playing guitar, playing team sports, traveling, kitesurfing, skiing, and meeting new people. He likes to solve problems in a creative way and he likes to work with other creative people in order to achieve that.