Adam Widomski, MSc
MSc, Eng. Adam Widomski is a PhD student in Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences at the University of Warsaw, and a technician in the NLPQT project. In 2019 he graduated in the field of physics, specializing in optics, at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw. He realized his master’s thesis in Quantum Photonics Laboratory under supervision of dr Michał Karpiński, as a part of the project founded by Foundation for Polish Science. In 2018 he graduated in the field of photonics at Faculty of Physics at the Warsaw University of Technology receiving photonic engineer title.
Adam gained experience working in international teams at INRIM (Turin), at the University of Oxford, and during international schools and conferences.
Since 2018 Adam is an active member of Student Association of Optics and Photonics KNOF.
In free time, he likes to play the guitar, do skiing, and sailing.
University of Warsaw, Division of Optics
Pasteura 5, building A
Room: 3.89
2024 Optica 11, 926
Efficient detection of multidimensional single-photon time-bin superpositions
2023 Journal of Lightwave Technology
Precise on-chip spectral and temporal control of single-photon-level optical pulses