Mateusz Winkowski, MSc Eng, is a PhD student at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw. He graduated from the University of Warsaw (Faculty of Physics, first cycle studies) and the Warsaw University of Technology (Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, first and second cycle studies), specializing in electronics and biomedical engineering.
Since 2017, he has been a scholarship holder in a project financed by the National Science Center under the supervision of prof. Tadeusz Stacewicz.
Research interests concern the detection of disease markers in the air exhaled from human lungs using laser spectroscopy.
Mateusz Winkowski actively works for the community. He is a member of the Student Association of Optics and Photonics at University of Warsaw (KNOF). She is actively involved in the activities of the KNOF.
In his spare time, he deals with electronics, riding a motorcycle (and its repairs) and fishing.
2023 Metrology and Measurement Systems
Reduction of optical noise in near-infrared range laser hygrometry
2022 Metrol. Meas. Syst. 29
Detection of ethane, methane, formaldehyde and water vapor in 3.33 mm range
2021 Optics Communication vol. 480
Optical interferences suppression using wavelength modulation
2019 Scientific Reports 9:1838
Low noise, open-source QEPAS system with instrumentation amplifier
2018 Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2018), 297-302
Laser spectroscopy for trace matter detection in air, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Photonics