Sanjukta Kundu, MSc
Ms. Sanjukta Kundu is currently enrolled as a PhD student in Quantum Optics Lab at Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw in the group of dr Radek Lapkiewicz, specializing in experimental quantum optics. She received a Master Degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India.
Her PhD research work is oriented mostly towards characterization of unknown spatial structure of heralded single photons; developing new tools capable of spatially resolved ultrafast photon detection and working on new techniques for quantum imaging by using one and two photon interference. Since April 2018 she has been a scholar in a project funded by the Foundation for Polish Science.
Earlier as an intern in a cold-atom group at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, her research was focused on Magneto Optical Trap (MOT) for absorption spectroscopy, state-preparation, optical pumping, heralded bi-photon generation and detection to measure the second order optical correlation of photons coming out of ultracold Rb-85 atoms (D2 transition).
In general, her scientific interest covers areas of quantum imaging techniques, coherence and quantum entanglement, two photon interferometry, and quantum optical communication technologies.
Sanjukta is a member of the OSA and the KNOF-UW.
In her free time, she likes travelling, sketching, writing poetry, making funny arduino projects, and cooking.
University of Warsaw, Division of Optics
Pasteura 5, building A
Room: 3.46
2023 Science Advences 9
2023 Science Advances 9
2021 Quantum