Quantum Photonics Laboratory (QPL)

Team leader
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8195-214X
22 55 32 740
Research topics
We explore the spectral-temporal properties of single photon pulses and their use as quantum information carriers. We combine methods of quantum optics, femtosecond pulse and nonlinear optics, temporal Fourier optics, electro-optics and high-frequency electronics to experimentally investigate coherent modification of spectral-temporal mode structure of quantum light. We explore photonic time-energy entanglement. Our results lead to photonic interfaces for quantum internet, quantum gates for time-frequency encoding and efficient quantum cryptography protocols.
We are a young dynamic group within the Optics Division of the Faculty of Physics (FUW) at the University of Warsaw (UW). FUW is a world-class research centre covering a broad area of physics and is the leading physics research institution in Poland. It hosts numerous groups both in optics (Ultrafast Phenomena Lab, Quantum Memories Lab, Photonic Nanostructures Facility, Information Optics Lab, Cold Atoms, Femtosecond Spectroscopy) as well as quantum information, quantum metrology and communications theory. This gives us an ideal setting for our research. We work in a state-of the art optical lab furnished with cutting-edge equipment, including low timing jitter supercoducting single-photon-counting detectors. We appreciate the support of Konrad Banaszek, Czesław Radzewicz and numerous funding programmmes (EU Structural Funds, National Science Centre of Poland). Our current funding includes a grant from the National Science Centre of Poland and a project funded by the Foundation for Polish Science Homing programme (project website).
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0424-235X
22 55 32 746
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0866-0540
22 554 68 72
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2465-4645
22 55 32 746
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7036-1456
22 55 32 746
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2623-7167
22 55 48 872
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8098-3769
+48 22 55 32 746
Spectral-temporal engineering of quantum light
We research the potential of spectral-temporal encoding for processing of quantum information. Our interests include experimental implementations of multidimensional quantum-enhanced metrology. We explore highly efficient, fibre-compatible quantum cryptography protocols. We look for applications of time-energy entanglement.
Photonic interfaces for quantum networks
We experimentally investigate methods for coherent modification of spectro-temporal mode structure of optical pulses at the single photon level. We are building highly efficient electro-optic mode converters for single-photon pulses. We explore properties of highly dispersive optical media.
Quantum temporal fourier optics
We explore applications of the concept of time lens and ultrafast all-optical information processing in the field of quantum optics. We explore new opportunities offered by these techniques for quantum information processing. We address technical challenges associated with applying these concepts to non-classical light.
Electro-optic frequency shift of single photons from a quantum dot
- S. Kapoor
- A. Rodek
- M. Mikołajczyk
- J. Szuniewicz
- F. Sośnicki
- T. Kazimierczuk
- P. Kossacki
- M. Karpiński
Optica 11, 926
Efficient detection of multidimensional single-photon time-bin superpositions
- A. Widomski
- M. Ogrodnik
- M. Karpiński
Journal of Lightwave Technology
Precise on-chip spectral and temporal control of single-photon-level optical pulses
- A. Widomski
- Stanisław Stopiński
- Krzysztof Anders
- Ryszard Piramidowicz
- M. Karpiński
SPIE, Proc.vol 12488
Investigating the use of polarization maintaning FBG sensors for GW-based SHG
- Rohan Soman
- Sara Sarbaz
- Kaleeswaran Balasubramaniam
- A. Golestani Shishvan
- M. Karpiński
- Tomasz Wandows
- Paweł Malinowski
- Wiesław Ostachowicz
Physical Review Letters 129, 123605
Electro-optic Fourier transform chronometry of pulsed quantum light
- A. Golestani Shishvan
- A. O. C. Davis
- F. Sośnicki
- M. Mikołajczyk
- N. Treps
- M. Karpiński
Advanced Quantum Technologies 4, 2000150
Control and Measurement of Quantum Light Pulses for Quantum Information Science and Technology
- M. Karpiński
- Alex O. C. Davis
- F. Sośnicki
- Valérian Thiel
- Brian J. Smith
Smart Mater. Struct. 30, 125011
- R. Soman
- K. Balasubramaniam
- A. Golestani Shishvan
- M. Karpiński
- P. Malinowski
- W. Ostachowicz
Applied Physics Letters 116, 234003
Aperiodic electro-optic time lens for spectral manipulation of single-photon pulses
Phys. Review Applied 14, 014052
Pure Single Photons From Scalable Frequency Multiplexing
- T. Hiemstra
- T.F. Parker
- P. Humphreys
- J. Tiedau
- M. Beck
- M. Karpiński
- B.J. Smith
- A. Eckstein
- W.S. Kolthammer
- I.A. Walmsley
Sensors. 20(20)
A Two-Step Guided Waves Based Damage Localization Technique Using Optical Fiber Sensors
- R. Soman
- K. Balasubramaniam
- A. Golestani Shishvan
- M. Karpiński
- P. Malinowski
Experimental single-photon pulse characterization by electro-optic shearing interferometry
- A. O. C. Davis
- V. Thiel
- M. Karpiński
- B. J. Smith
Entanglement swapping for generation of heralded time-frequency-entangled photon pairs
- D. L. P. Vitullo
- M. G. Raymer
- B. J. Smith
- M. Karpiński
- L. Mejling
- K. Rottwitt
J. Mod. Opt. 65, 262-267
Measurement of radio-frequency temporal phase modulation using spectral interferometry
- M. Jachura
- J. Szczepanek
- W. Wasilewski
- M. Karpiński
Measuring the Single-Photon Temporal-Spectral Wave Function
- A. O. C. Davis
- V. Thiel
- M. Karpiński
- B. J. Smith
Optics Express 26, 31307-31316
Large-scale spectral bandwidth compression by complex electro-optic temporal phase modulation
J. Mod. Opt. 65, 262-267
Measurement of radio-frequency temporal phase modulation using spectral interferometry
- M. Jachura
- J. Szczepanek
- W. Wasilewski
- M. Karpiński
J. Mod. Opt., 10.1080/09500340.2018.144480
- P. S. Michelberger
- M. Karpiński
- I. A. Walmsley
- J. Nunn
Nature Photon. 11, 53-57
Bandwidth manipulation of quantum light by an electro-optic time lens
- M. Karpiński
- M. Jachura
- L. J. Wright
- B. J. Smith
Opt. Express 25, 12804-12811
Pulsed single-photon spectrograph by frequency-to-time mapping using chirped fiber Bragg gratings
- A. O. C. Davis
- P. M. Saulnier
- M. Karpiński
- B. J. Smith
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 023601
Spectral shearing of quantum light pulses by electro-optic phase modulation
- L. J. Wright
- M. Karpiński
- C .Söller
- B. J. Smith
Optics Communications Volume 383
Compressive phase-only filtering at extreme compression rates
- D. Pastor-Calle
- A. Pastuszczak
- M. Mikołajczyk
- R. Kotyński
Applied Optics Volume 55, Issue 19
Efficient adaptation of complex-valued noiselet sensing matrices for compressed single-pixel imaging
- A. Pastuszczak
- B. Szczygieł
- M. Mikołajczyk
- R. Kotyński
Optics Express 23, 10.1364/OE.23.033087
Scheme for on-chip verification of transverse mode entanglement using the electro-optic effect
- D. Bharadwaj
- K. Thyagarajan
- M. Jachura
- M. Karpiński
- K. Banaszek
Phys.Rev. A 91, 033824
Generation of higher-dimensional modal entanglement using a three-waveguide directional coupler
- D. Bharadwaj
- K. Thyagarajan
- M. Karpiński
- K. Banaszek
Nature Commun. 4, 2594
Quantum mechanical which-way experiment with an internal degree of freedom
- K. Banaszek
- P. Horodecki
- M. Karpiński
- C. Radzewicz
Laser Phys. 23, 025204
Experimental generation of complex noisy photonic entanglement
- K. Dobek
- M. Karpiński
- R. Demkowicz-Dobrzański
- K. Banaszek
- P. Horodecki
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 030501
Experimental Extraction of Secure Correlations from a Noisy Private State
- K. Dobek
- M. Karpiński
- R. Demkowicz-Dobrzański
- K. Banaszek
- P. Horodecki
Opt. Commun. 283, 713–718
Quantum and semiclassical polarization correlations
- K. Banaszek
- R. Demkowicz-Dobrzański
- M. Karpiński
- P. Migdał
- C. Radzewicz
Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 181105
Experimental characterization of three-wave mixing in a multimode nonlinear KTiOPO4 waveguide
- M. Karpiński
- C. Radzewicz
- K. Banaszek
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24, 668–673
Fiber-optic realization of anisotropic depolarizing quantum channels
- M. Karpiński
- K. Banaszek
- C. Radzewicz