Michał Mikołajczyk, MSc
Michał Mikołajczyk is a Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw. He graduated with Masters Diploma also from the Faculty of Physics, where he prepared a thesis on spectral characterization of single-photon light pulses under Dr. Michał Karpiński’s supervision.
Since 2018 he is a scholarship recipient in the project “Phase-only shaping of light pulses for applications in quantum technologies” funded by the Foundation for Polish Science.
Michał Mikołajczyk is active in building a scientific community. He is a member of OSA, SPIE, EPS, PTF, IEEE Photonics and Optics and Photonics UW Student Chapter (KNOF). To this day he has held the office of vice-president and president of the KNOF and he has been a member of the Institute of Geophysics and Institute of Experimental Physics scientific boards at the Faculty of Physics UW. He has been teaching laboratory classes at the Faculty of Physics and was a supervisor of the BARI-DAAD scholarship program.
In his free time, Michał Mikołajczyk trains long-distance running, biking, and sailing, but also cooks and splits the hair.
University of Warsaw, Division of Optics
Pasteura 5, building A
Room: 3.46
2025 Nanophotonics
Electro-optic frequency shift of single photons from a quantum dot
2023 Nature Photonics 17, 761-766
Interface between picosecond and nanosecond quantum light pulses
2023 Laser Science
Characterization of energy-time entangled photon pairs by time resolvet detection
2022 Physical Review Letters 129, 123605
Electro-optic Fourier transform chronometry of pulsed quantum light
2020 Applied Physics Letters 116, 234003
Aperiodic electro-optic time lens for spectral manipulation of single-photon pulses
2017 Optics Communications Volume 383
Compressive phase-only filtering at extreme compression rates
2016 Applied Optics Volume 55, Issue 19
Efficient adaptation of complex-valued noiselet sensing matrices for compressed single-pixel imaging